Vegan Finance Webinar #1
From Animal-Welfare Awareness to Vegan Finance
June 18, 2021
TITLE: From Animal-Welfare Awareness to Vegan Finance
DATE: Friday, June 18, 2021
HOUR: 13:00-16:15 (Paris time)
PLACE: Online via Zoom
ORGANIZER: Véronique Buisson, ESSEC Professor of Finance
The first ESSEC Vegan Finance Webinar introduces the integration of animal welfare and veganism in finance.
The following topics will be addressed: definition of veganism, importance of the vegan market, vegan ratings, vegan consulting, inclusion of animal-welfare in ESG, animal-welfare financing, impact investing with vegan active funds and vegan ETFs.
Louisianna Waring
David Pannell
Van Dinh Tran
Olivia Blanchard
Robert Boer

Claire Smith